So, I didn't really travel thought the seven levels of the candy cane forest or through a sea of swirly twirly gum drops, but it was pretty close. My adventure to deliver Will Ferrell's dinner on Thursday, following the premier of
The Other Guys, began with a trip to Pappy's. For those of you who do not know, Pappy's is probably the best BBQ that you can find in St. Louis. I have to agree that it is pretty amazing, but I will forever be partial to Memphis BBQ. There was quite a buzz at Pappy's once everyone realized that I would be the one delivering the food. They included not just food with the order, but pretty much everything they had to offer: t-shirts, BBQ sauce, menus, business cards, phone numbers, and love notes to Marky Mark (I guess they thought it was going to him as well as Will). All of their excitement got me pumped up for my adventure.
After getting the food, I headed out to the Chesterfield airport to deliver it to Will's private plane. As usual, I found a way to turn myself around despite the fact that I have a GPS, but I did actually make it on time. Now the difficult part of the journey began: getting past all 10 of the police officers and security guards. I guess no one was informed that I would be making a delivery, so I had to do some sweet talking to get access to the area. I was able to make the delivery and get within 10 yards of the plane before being rushed out by the police. I think I saw a glimpse of Will Ferrell- but I'm not sure. Even though I was hoping to get to say hey to Will, knowing that I delivered one of my favorite foods to one of my favorite celebs was worth the journey.
As a side note, I heard The Other Guys was pretty hilarious and I am excited to see it isoon!